When this alignment happens our planet will be bombarded with the most deadly gamma rays ever found emitting from the Milky Way galaxy, 3.5 trillion electron volts.
From the data that arrived in the crop circles we will exposed on this gamma ray stream at least few months when the reprogramming of our DNA will take place.
The other planets in our solar system are being affected by Global Warming too. Possibly because our solar system is getting closer to the galactic equator where trillions of electron volts are spewing out of the dark rift.
Wikipedia: The electron volt is a unit of energy, it is e times V, so it is written eV. It is the amount of energy gained by a single unbound electron when it accelerates through an electrostatic potential difference of one volt.
Physicists find evidence for highest energy photons ever detected from Milky Way’s equator. Physicist at nearly a dozen research institution including New York University, have discovered evidence for very high energy gamma rays emitting from the Milky Way marking the highest energies ever detected from the galactic equator.
Previous satellite experiments have seen gamma-ray emissions along the galactic equator reaching up to energies of only 30 billion electron-volts.
What does that mean?Well imagine this, our suns particle energy is around 500 thousand electron volts. What they found being emitting from the galactic core is up to 7 million times the energy of our sun and travelling near the speed of light.
This is the reason the temperature on each planet in our solar system is increasing.
We are going to align with the galactic equator and be able to view the galactic core entirely through the dark rift opening on December 21, 2012 as astronomically predicted by the Maya.
This alignment will indeed cause increased temperatures on every object in our solar system including our sun.
That much radiation directly is believed to be extremely lethal and at that strength will destroy all organic matter.
So yes, it is possible that when this energy engulfs our planet, we will all die December 2012.
Most of the Galaxies require a massive compact energy source of energy of enormous straight to stabilize the orbits of stars within them.
The engine which drives the rotation and shape of each galaxy consist of what astrophysicists refer to as a super massive black hole located in the direct center.
The black hole located in the center of Milky Way Galaxy contains an estimated mass of over 1 trillion stars and it is believed to be over 2 trillion miles in diameter. Many leading astro and quantum physicists also believe that super massive black holes are spinning in unbelievable high rate due to their overwhelming mass.
At this high rate of spin the black holes projected gravitational field is no longer spherical but rather flattens out to form a massive yet extremely thin spinning disk. Milky Way’s galactic plane can easy be identified by even an untrained eye as one views the shape and the characteristic of the galaxy.
From images provided by the Hubble telescope, and projected computer simulations we can easily see that all mater moves and it is formed around this flatten gravitational influence.
This also explains why almost all galaxies are flat and circular. If you look in Milky Way galaxy you can see a dark bend which shows you where this gravitational plane is located. It also shows you where galactic dust and mass is been collecting since the birth of the galaxy.
This is where we can easily seen the location of the galactic plane, which is in fact what the modern science calls a galactic equinox.
But what this has to do with humanity future?
-In the Milky Way which is an active galaxy, our solar system cyclically moves above and bellow the galactic plane. As stars and planetary systems including our own, approach this galactic plane, the gravitational influence increases, which disturbs the stability of each planet including Earth.
The passage to the densest portion of the gravitational plane is the direct cause of the devastating cycles and pole shifts that we see recorded throughout history. This cyclic nature of our solar system as we move through the Milky Way is precisely how many ancient civilizations based their calendar systems.
The Mayans themselves described what they referred to as “The Dark Rift” or the “The Galactic Plane”.
The Mayans stated that on the end of each Age, which brings world wide devastations is defined by world sitting on a Dark Rift.
Even that the Mayans don’t clearly present the science behind why the Galactic plane causes severe implications upon Earth’s stability on modern terminology, it is very clear that we are talking about the same event.
An event when Earth passes through the Galactic equinox, the Dark Rift or the Central plane. It all refers to the cyclic and destructive gravitational influence created by the super massive black hole at the center of the Milky Way.
Researchers and scientists agree that we are indeed approaching the end of what the Mayans defines as the current Age.
Even that many scientist groups are still debating the full implications on what passing the Galactic plane will have on Earth, we already began to see the early stages that the increased gravitational influence is having upon our world and other planets in our Solar system.
As we approach the gravitational plane we will continue to experience severe whether, geological effects such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and volcanic activity, with increased frequency and intensity.
As we penetrate the densest portion of the galactic plane and experience the full gravitational effects we may witness unprecedented solar flares, unexpected meteor showers and unfortunately geographical Pole Shift.
Subsequently celestial objects may pass through the solar system as they too are influenced by the gravitational plane.
This may count for the ancient records describing several world wide catastrophes accompanied by passing bodies, comets or what some researchers refers to as Planet X.
Computer simulations utilizing the collection of knowledge, we have decades of galactic models and satellite data, tells us that our solar system will definitely began passing through the galactic plane in the very near future.
The most severe effect that will cause world wide devastations, a Pole Shift are most likely to occur beginning some time between 2008 and 2014.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Maya knowledge and 2012
Deep in the center of the Milky Way there is a Black Hole which scientific community called Sgr.A.
The Mayans called it The tree of life and it was passed to them that in the center of the galaxy a point known as “Hunab Ku” exist and it’s a location from where consciousness comes.
According to Ancient Maya records, it’s a place from which “The Supreme Creator” crates and destroys, and that most of all that is created in this region of Space cames from it.
However, in the Mayan culture there are no images about “Hunab Ku – Supreme Creator” because it was considered as Ultimate Force of Creation which in fact does not truly posses visible form and cyclically influences the life in the Galaxy through galactic core.
There is a high possibility that the black hole in the center of the Milky Way represents a portal into a higher Universe which possesses completely different reality.
From the cosmic aspect, the black holes are commonly located in the centers of the galaxies and from the latest research are in fact penetration points in and out of this Universe.
And they are all connected as grid of cosmic portals. Inside them there are Points of Singularity, where all known laws of physics fall apart and does not work anymore.
The “Ones” that left the knowledge to Mayas, insisted that “Hunab Ku” is the Consciousness that organizes all mater and antimatter.
In fact, fallowing the same logic, all black holes in the centers of the Galaxies can be referred as Hunab Ku – a places from where the Will of the Ultimate Creator is manifested.
Hunab Ku is so called “Mother Womb” which constantly gives birth of new stars and which also gave birth to our Sun and our planetary system.
The “ancients” insisted that we understand the message that the Hunab Ku runs everything that happens in the Galaxies and acts through periodical extreme powerful explosions of Consciousness Energy from the galactic center.
Today, the astronomers confirms that the center of the Galaxy which we call “Milky Way” has form of flatten disk with the black hole in the middle which swallows stars that exists and in the same time it gives birth to new ones.
However, the major part of the “mainstream science”, are still considering the Time as Linear and that it flows in just one direction.
On the other hand, the “Ones” that left the knowledge to the Mayas clearly pointed out that the Time actually flows in a circular manner or in cycles.
“They” clearly showed that there is a “beginning and an end” of all things, but also a restart after the end of every Time Cycle.
The data that was left indicate the importance of understanding the “periodical nature” of all manifested phenomena on which the Mayan Long Count Calendar is actually based.
Those highly sophisticated teachers left high knowledge about the Extreme Time measurements and instructed the Mayas that the Time itself originates from Hunab Ku and it is controlled by it in the same time.
In fact if we draw a parallel to all other “Ancient Cultures” like Egypt, a culture that supposedly worshiped the Sun this picture comes forward:
“They didn’t worship the Sun as a Sun, but as the intelligent Creative Force behind it which brings life”.
“Ahau” is term which refers the Sun and “Ajpu” is the term which refers the Light from which we all had came and where we all will return. Both terms are used in abundance to shows us “The End” of our familiar physical existence in 2012 and “The Beginning of new awareness” or existence in a higher dimension of our Universe.
The “thing” which is very important for all of us, currently present on Earth in this time which according to Gregorian Calendar is November 2008, is that the “ancients” had delivered a message through the Mayan Long Count Calendar that on a date in the future which matches the Gregorian Calendar on 21 Dec 2012 there will be a cosmic alignment between the Earth, Sun, The star cluster Pleiades and the center of the Milky Way Galaxy – Hunab Ku.
On this day, according to ancient Maya and the later Meso-American Civilizations will happen the return of Quetzalcoatl. Is this is going to take place, its still unknown.
So, from the astronomical point of view, in 2012 our star will be in alignment with the center galactic point. This was very, very significant to the ancient people. Besides that, we hear about the hidden Astrology and the various aspects of the 12 signs of Zodiac, than about the effect which comes from the alignment of the Pole of our planet and the galactic center and etc.
On 21 Dec 2012, 11:11 AM Universal Time (also known as Zero Time Point), our Sun and our planet will be at perfect alignment with the Galactic center.
On the same day, if we consider that everything stays “by default” or on the same track, our Sun will be at its solar maximum, and the ecliptic of our solar system will intersect with the Galactic plane, which also is called the "Galactic Equator" of the Milky Way!
Here is a link to a interesting website which has lots of important data:
This also is called the planetary alignment and by the Ancients was considered to be from a highest importance for the life on this planet. According to Carlos Barrios and some other Mayan Day-Keeper’s, the “Ancients” considered the date 21 Dec 2012 as a date of rebirth…beginning of a New Era which is result of crossing the solar meridian through the galactic equator and the alignment of Earth with the center of the Milky Way.
This Cosmic Cross is considered as embodiment of the Sacred Tree, (The Tree of Life), a tree which is remembered in most of the ancient spiritual traditions as alignment with the cosmic heart of the Galaxy, when some kind of opening or a channel of cosmic energy occurs and passes though Earth, in the same time cleaning the whole dirt of the life forms that live on this planet, and lifting them on higher level of vibrational existence.
Even the greatest sceptics (low consciousness evolution beings) are having difficult time rejecting the so called “Mayan Cosmology” because those time keepers has left such Time Keeping Methodologies that are so precise that makes you spin in your head, because they are more accurate then the ones we use today.
Their pyramids like the one in Chichen-Itza in Mexico are so precise build, that are accurately showing the precise moments of Solstices and Equinoxes during the year, which are caused by the Earth’s precession (known as very slow wobble or movement of the planet around its axis).
The other pyramids in (Teotihuacan) Mexico, where we see an extremely precise depiction of all the orbits of the planets in our solar system. They have a Sun pyramid, Mercury pyramid, Venus pyramid…a pyramid for all planets. The mathematics used in the construction and correlation with each other is so precise that blows one’s mind.
This extreme precision could not come from primitive people. This extreme precision could come only from a society which had acquired knowledge that is far beyond the one we have today, at least in the public arena.
The evidence that such civilizations had exist before are all over the world. For example in Lebanon there is a location 44 miles from Beirut with fascination ruins. This place is called Baalbek and it is also mentioned in the Old Testament Book of Kings.
Those stones called Trilithon are officially the most massive stones in the world used for construction purposes. Despite the fact that some of the scientists consider that they weight around 800 tons, the truth is that no one with 100% certainty can not say how much actually they weight. It could be double or at least much more then 800 tons.
How in the world, they managed to do that, it’s still unclear. Besides there some rumours about the use of antigravity technology, there is a legend that speaks about a race of giants who were here immediately after the great Flood and that those giants had actually build the Baalbek.
In any case, one thing is for sure – today “officially” we do not posses a crane which is capable of lifting those weights.
Even for weights few times smaller then the Trilithon stone weights, we have to use few cranes with combination of helicopters. If we today can not lift those stones, how was this achieved by the builders of Baalbek thousands of years ago?
And not to mention “again” that they were transported 5 miles. There is no tree that we know of, that can hold such weights, and even the trees with the hardest wood are very fast smashed by the weight of the heavy Trilithon stone so the Discovery Channel lies for building Pyramids in Giza, does not work here.
The official stories presented by leading media about how the Giza Pyramids were build are ridicules and absurd. Not to mention Yonaguni, the ancient underwater structure that probably is older then 12,000 years.
The ancients were clear that all this is only a part of a cycly, and every cycle has a beginning and an end.
This time the cycle ends on 21 Dec 2012, the last step in the dollar pyramid, so it seems that they will not enjoy in their luxury and wealth gained on the misery of billions other hungry, not educated, false guided on purpose though the mainstream media, political agendas, so called masters, gurus, and spiritual teachers.
In any case, lets start to analize from astronomical aspect what will possibly happen around the date that Mayas determined as a last in their Long Count Calendar.
Despite the fact that are ~1800 days left, our world is starting to experience unseen, extreme and rapid climate changes.
The number and intensity of those “natural” catastrophes increases rapidly. The scientists had recorded extreme unusual behaviour of our Sun which directly influences all the planets in our solar system. Did you notice the extreme brightness on the all the planets in our solar system?
Does strange energetic emanations from the center of the Milky Way detected from the Dr. Scott Hyman are the cause of so visible changes occurring in our system?
-The Mayas would clearly say: Yes!
They will also say that colossal emissions of “unknown form of energy” will arrive from the center of the Milky Way, which will change the fundamentals of the physics of our world, new material and immaterial conditions for life which will last till the end of the next cycle.
On 21.12.2012 according to the ancient Maya records the humanity will enter into New Era of Higher Consciousness. It is interesting that at this moment all that are present on the planet are experiencing more or less a Shift in Consciousness.
More and more human individuals are starting to awake, asking who are they, what life is really about, can not eat flesh anymore and simply experience a clear disability to live in old ways.
In 2012 we all have a chance to transcend the old ways and to learn to live in peace and harmony with all the rest that exist in the Cosmos.
That process of the rebirth to half-etheric beings, according to the input that was generated from the pictograms in the crops all over the world but mostly in UK, will start somewhere between 13-21 Dec 2012 (The end of the Fifth Sun) and it will be complete on 28 March 2013 when in fact is the end of the Sun-Venus calendar and in the same time the start of Sixth Sun.
During this process from the direction of the center of the Milky Way a cosmic rays will arrive which will bring the final DNA reprogramming of life that exists in this solar system.
That is why it is extremely important that we all pay attention to the messages that are coming in the crops.
Huge amount of input will come from there, and what has to be done about 2012 event.
The Mayans called it The tree of life and it was passed to them that in the center of the galaxy a point known as “Hunab Ku” exist and it’s a location from where consciousness comes.
According to Ancient Maya records, it’s a place from which “The Supreme Creator” crates and destroys, and that most of all that is created in this region of Space cames from it.
However, in the Mayan culture there are no images about “Hunab Ku – Supreme Creator” because it was considered as Ultimate Force of Creation which in fact does not truly posses visible form and cyclically influences the life in the Galaxy through galactic core.
There is a high possibility that the black hole in the center of the Milky Way represents a portal into a higher Universe which possesses completely different reality.
From the cosmic aspect, the black holes are commonly located in the centers of the galaxies and from the latest research are in fact penetration points in and out of this Universe.
And they are all connected as grid of cosmic portals. Inside them there are Points of Singularity, where all known laws of physics fall apart and does not work anymore.
The “Ones” that left the knowledge to Mayas, insisted that “Hunab Ku” is the Consciousness that organizes all mater and antimatter.
In fact, fallowing the same logic, all black holes in the centers of the Galaxies can be referred as Hunab Ku – a places from where the Will of the Ultimate Creator is manifested.
Hunab Ku is so called “Mother Womb” which constantly gives birth of new stars and which also gave birth to our Sun and our planetary system.
The “ancients” insisted that we understand the message that the Hunab Ku runs everything that happens in the Galaxies and acts through periodical extreme powerful explosions of Consciousness Energy from the galactic center.
Today, the astronomers confirms that the center of the Galaxy which we call “Milky Way” has form of flatten disk with the black hole in the middle which swallows stars that exists and in the same time it gives birth to new ones.
However, the major part of the “mainstream science”, are still considering the Time as Linear and that it flows in just one direction.
On the other hand, the “Ones” that left the knowledge to the Mayas clearly pointed out that the Time actually flows in a circular manner or in cycles.
“They” clearly showed that there is a “beginning and an end” of all things, but also a restart after the end of every Time Cycle.
The data that was left indicate the importance of understanding the “periodical nature” of all manifested phenomena on which the Mayan Long Count Calendar is actually based.
Those highly sophisticated teachers left high knowledge about the Extreme Time measurements and instructed the Mayas that the Time itself originates from Hunab Ku and it is controlled by it in the same time.
In fact if we draw a parallel to all other “Ancient Cultures” like Egypt, a culture that supposedly worshiped the Sun this picture comes forward:
“They didn’t worship the Sun as a Sun, but as the intelligent Creative Force behind it which brings life”.
“Ahau” is term which refers the Sun and “Ajpu” is the term which refers the Light from which we all had came and where we all will return. Both terms are used in abundance to shows us “The End” of our familiar physical existence in 2012 and “The Beginning of new awareness” or existence in a higher dimension of our Universe.
The “thing” which is very important for all of us, currently present on Earth in this time which according to Gregorian Calendar is November 2008, is that the “ancients” had delivered a message through the Mayan Long Count Calendar that on a date in the future which matches the Gregorian Calendar on 21 Dec 2012 there will be a cosmic alignment between the Earth, Sun, The star cluster Pleiades and the center of the Milky Way Galaxy – Hunab Ku.
On this day, according to ancient Maya and the later Meso-American Civilizations will happen the return of Quetzalcoatl. Is this is going to take place, its still unknown.
So, from the astronomical point of view, in 2012 our star will be in alignment with the center galactic point. This was very, very significant to the ancient people. Besides that, we hear about the hidden Astrology and the various aspects of the 12 signs of Zodiac, than about the effect which comes from the alignment of the Pole of our planet and the galactic center and etc.
On 21 Dec 2012, 11:11 AM Universal Time (also known as Zero Time Point), our Sun and our planet will be at perfect alignment with the Galactic center.
On the same day, if we consider that everything stays “by default” or on the same track, our Sun will be at its solar maximum, and the ecliptic of our solar system will intersect with the Galactic plane, which also is called the "Galactic Equator" of the Milky Way!
Here is a link to a interesting website which has lots of important data:
This also is called the planetary alignment and by the Ancients was considered to be from a highest importance for the life on this planet. According to Carlos Barrios and some other Mayan Day-Keeper’s, the “Ancients” considered the date 21 Dec 2012 as a date of rebirth…beginning of a New Era which is result of crossing the solar meridian through the galactic equator and the alignment of Earth with the center of the Milky Way.
This Cosmic Cross is considered as embodiment of the Sacred Tree, (The Tree of Life), a tree which is remembered in most of the ancient spiritual traditions as alignment with the cosmic heart of the Galaxy, when some kind of opening or a channel of cosmic energy occurs and passes though Earth, in the same time cleaning the whole dirt of the life forms that live on this planet, and lifting them on higher level of vibrational existence.
Even the greatest sceptics (low consciousness evolution beings) are having difficult time rejecting the so called “Mayan Cosmology” because those time keepers has left such Time Keeping Methodologies that are so precise that makes you spin in your head, because they are more accurate then the ones we use today.
Their pyramids like the one in Chichen-Itza in Mexico are so precise build, that are accurately showing the precise moments of Solstices and Equinoxes during the year, which are caused by the Earth’s precession (known as very slow wobble or movement of the planet around its axis).
The other pyramids in (Teotihuacan) Mexico, where we see an extremely precise depiction of all the orbits of the planets in our solar system. They have a Sun pyramid, Mercury pyramid, Venus pyramid…a pyramid for all planets. The mathematics used in the construction and correlation with each other is so precise that blows one’s mind.
This extreme precision could not come from primitive people. This extreme precision could come only from a society which had acquired knowledge that is far beyond the one we have today, at least in the public arena.
The evidence that such civilizations had exist before are all over the world. For example in Lebanon there is a location 44 miles from Beirut with fascination ruins. This place is called Baalbek and it is also mentioned in the Old Testament Book of Kings.
Those stones called Trilithon are officially the most massive stones in the world used for construction purposes. Despite the fact that some of the scientists consider that they weight around 800 tons, the truth is that no one with 100% certainty can not say how much actually they weight. It could be double or at least much more then 800 tons.
They are simply so big that we do not know for sure how much they weight. Those stones were somehow cut, shaped, and moved to Baalbek from a location some five miles away. Then they were lifted in the air, perfectly erected and connect that you can not put a paper or riser in between.
How in the world, they managed to do that, it’s still unclear. Besides there some rumours about the use of antigravity technology, there is a legend that speaks about a race of giants who were here immediately after the great Flood and that those giants had actually build the Baalbek.
In any case, one thing is for sure – today “officially” we do not posses a crane which is capable of lifting those weights.
Even for weights few times smaller then the Trilithon stone weights, we have to use few cranes with combination of helicopters. If we today can not lift those stones, how was this achieved by the builders of Baalbek thousands of years ago?
And not to mention “again” that they were transported 5 miles. There is no tree that we know of, that can hold such weights, and even the trees with the hardest wood are very fast smashed by the weight of the heavy Trilithon stone so the Discovery Channel lies for building Pyramids in Giza, does not work here.
The official stories presented by leading media about how the Giza Pyramids were build are ridicules and absurd. Not to mention Yonaguni, the ancient underwater structure that probably is older then 12,000 years.
The ancients were clear that all this is only a part of a cycly, and every cycle has a beginning and an end.
This time the cycle ends on 21 Dec 2012, the last step in the dollar pyramid, so it seems that they will not enjoy in their luxury and wealth gained on the misery of billions other hungry, not educated, false guided on purpose though the mainstream media, political agendas, so called masters, gurus, and spiritual teachers.
In any case, lets start to analize from astronomical aspect what will possibly happen around the date that Mayas determined as a last in their Long Count Calendar.
Despite the fact that are ~1800 days left, our world is starting to experience unseen, extreme and rapid climate changes.
The number and intensity of those “natural” catastrophes increases rapidly. The scientists had recorded extreme unusual behaviour of our Sun which directly influences all the planets in our solar system. Did you notice the extreme brightness on the all the planets in our solar system?
Does strange energetic emanations from the center of the Milky Way detected from the Dr. Scott Hyman are the cause of so visible changes occurring in our system?
-The Mayas would clearly say: Yes!
They will also say that colossal emissions of “unknown form of energy” will arrive from the center of the Milky Way, which will change the fundamentals of the physics of our world, new material and immaterial conditions for life which will last till the end of the next cycle.
On 21.12.2012 according to the ancient Maya records the humanity will enter into New Era of Higher Consciousness. It is interesting that at this moment all that are present on the planet are experiencing more or less a Shift in Consciousness.
More and more human individuals are starting to awake, asking who are they, what life is really about, can not eat flesh anymore and simply experience a clear disability to live in old ways.
In 2012 we all have a chance to transcend the old ways and to learn to live in peace and harmony with all the rest that exist in the Cosmos.
That process of the rebirth to half-etheric beings, according to the input that was generated from the pictograms in the crops all over the world but mostly in UK, will start somewhere between 13-21 Dec 2012 (The end of the Fifth Sun) and it will be complete on 28 March 2013 when in fact is the end of the Sun-Venus calendar and in the same time the start of Sixth Sun.
During this process from the direction of the center of the Milky Way a cosmic rays will arrive which will bring the final DNA reprogramming of life that exists in this solar system.
That is why it is extremely important that we all pay attention to the messages that are coming in the crops.
Huge amount of input will come from there, and what has to be done about 2012 event.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Nasa Warns Of Super Solar Storm 2012
It's official: Solar minimum has arrived. Sunspots have all but vanished. Solar flares are nonexistent. The sun is utterly quiet.
Like the quiet before a storm.
This week researchers announced that a storm is coming--the most intense solar maximum in fifty years. The prediction comes from a team led by Mausumi Dikpati of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). "The next sunspot cycle will be 30% to 50% stronger than the previous one," she says. If correct, the years ahead could produce a burst of solar activity second only to the historic Solar Max of 1958.
That was a solar maximum. The Space Age was just beginning: Sputnik was launched in Oct. 1957 and Explorer 1 (the first US satellite) in Jan. 1958. In 1958 you couldn't tell that a solar storm was underway by looking at the bars on your cell phone; cell phones didn't exist. Even so, people knew something big was happening when Northern Lights were sighted three times in Mexico. A similar maximum now would be noticed by its effect on cell phones, GPS, weather satellites and many other modern technologies.
Dikpati's prediction is unprecedented. In nearly-two centuries since the 11-year sunspot cycle was discovered, scientists have struggled to predict the size of future maxima—and failed. Solar maxima can be intense, as in 1958, or barely detectable, as in 1805, obeying no obvious pattern.
The key to the mystery, Dikpati realized years ago, is a conveyor belt on the sun.
We have something similar here on Earth—the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt, popularized in the sci-fi movie The Day After Tomorrow. It is a network of currents that carry water and heat from ocean to ocean--see the diagram below. In the movie, the Conveyor Belt stopped and threw the world's weather into chaos.
The sun's conveyor belt is a current, not of water, but of electrically-conducting gas. It flows in a loop from the sun's equator to the poles and back again. Just as the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt controls weather on Earth, this solar conveyor belt controls weather on the sun. Specifically, it controls the sunspot cycle.
Solar physicist David Hathaway of the National Space Science & Technology Center (NSSTC) explains: "First, remember what sunspots are--tangled knots of magnetism generated by the sun's inner dynamo. A typical sunspot exists for just a few weeks. Then it decays, leaving behind a 'corpse' of weak magnetic fields."
Like the quiet before a storm.
This week researchers announced that a storm is coming--the most intense solar maximum in fifty years. The prediction comes from a team led by Mausumi Dikpati of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). "The next sunspot cycle will be 30% to 50% stronger than the previous one," she says. If correct, the years ahead could produce a burst of solar activity second only to the historic Solar Max of 1958.
That was a solar maximum. The Space Age was just beginning: Sputnik was launched in Oct. 1957 and Explorer 1 (the first US satellite) in Jan. 1958. In 1958 you couldn't tell that a solar storm was underway by looking at the bars on your cell phone; cell phones didn't exist. Even so, people knew something big was happening when Northern Lights were sighted three times in Mexico. A similar maximum now would be noticed by its effect on cell phones, GPS, weather satellites and many other modern technologies.
Dikpati's prediction is unprecedented. In nearly-two centuries since the 11-year sunspot cycle was discovered, scientists have struggled to predict the size of future maxima—and failed. Solar maxima can be intense, as in 1958, or barely detectable, as in 1805, obeying no obvious pattern.
The key to the mystery, Dikpati realized years ago, is a conveyor belt on the sun.
We have something similar here on Earth—the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt, popularized in the sci-fi movie The Day After Tomorrow. It is a network of currents that carry water and heat from ocean to ocean--see the diagram below. In the movie, the Conveyor Belt stopped and threw the world's weather into chaos.
The sun's conveyor belt is a current, not of water, but of electrically-conducting gas. It flows in a loop from the sun's equator to the poles and back again. Just as the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt controls weather on Earth, this solar conveyor belt controls weather on the sun. Specifically, it controls the sunspot cycle.
Solar physicist David Hathaway of the National Space Science & Technology Center (NSSTC) explains: "First, remember what sunspots are--tangled knots of magnetism generated by the sun's inner dynamo. A typical sunspot exists for just a few weeks. Then it decays, leaving behind a 'corpse' of weak magnetic fields."
Thursday, August 27, 2009
All About Crop Circles - 2009
Where does this mysterious crop circle phenomena come from?
Is it done by man as a joke? So why do people have extraordinary experiences then?
Flying ball of lights were seen in and around crop cirlces.
Or is it an alien intelligence which try to communicate with us? The geometry which can be found in crop circles, inculed a lot of mathematics which can be also found in nature.
This documentary "New swirled order" deals with these questions and present some very extraordinary Crop circle formations in 2008, like the "Pi"-formation in Barbury Castle or the Crop Circle near Avebury Manor, which showed our solar system with the planetary constellation of December 21 of 2012.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Galactic Alignment 2012
Between year 2008 - 2012 ( 2015 ) , there will be Galactic Alignment of our Solar system with the Central of the Milky Way ... Will the LHC Detector make a gravitation influence with this Galactic plane ?" The polar shift of Earth will cost billions of human lives ! Devastation, hunger and shortage of drinking water will past during this up coming years of global catastrophe on our Mother Earth as our Ancestors predicted " Earthquakes, storms and flooding with a high radiation hit of plasma from the Sun, gravitation of asteroids passing trough of our atmosphere with nuclear destruction and movement of continents from it's places will be inhabited places for many humans and animals to survive. This scientist's proof of this upcoming event as our Ancestors told us long ago is actually the great evolution for human kind and all life on Earth "By the historians this event is the 7 years of tribulation ( Bible ) Upcoming :" New World - New Human - New Earth " Which will be so beautiful that this world will become the highest and lightest Temple of God in the UniverseMayans prophecy about the End of our dark age the " materialistic world " we live in today and long way of waiting period of time for return of God is about to come.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Earth from Mars
This is the first image ever taken of Earth from the surface of a planet beyond the Moon. It was taken by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit one hour before sunrise on the 63rd Martian day, or sol, of its mission. Because Earth was too faint to be detected in images taken with the panoramic camera's color filters, the inset image shows a combination of four panoramic images zoomed in on Earth.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
2012 New Movie - Nov 2009
Roland Emmerich Roland Emmerich director of spectacle event films like Independence Day, Godzilla, Stargate, and 10,000 B.C.
"An academic researcher leads a group of people in a fight to counteract the apocalyptic events that were predicted by the ancient Mayan calendar."
"An academic researcher leads a group of people in a fight to counteract the apocalyptic events that were predicted by the ancient Mayan calendar."
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Documentaries - The Mayan Calendar Comes North
A great lecture by Ian Xel Lungold
This 3 hour DVD is a presentation based on Dr. Calleman's break thru discoveries of the structure of the Mayan Calendar as it relates to the Evolution of Consciousness. "Ian takes a complex subject such as the Mayan Calendar and makes it very easy to understand on a personal level." He also clearly points out how the Schedule of Creation can be tracked when one looks at past historical events and relates that information to what to expect in the near future leading up to 2012.
The Mayan Calendar Comes North 01
The Mayan Calendar Comes North 02
This 3 hour DVD is a presentation based on Dr. Calleman's break thru discoveries of the structure of the Mayan Calendar as it relates to the Evolution of Consciousness. "Ian takes a complex subject such as the Mayan Calendar and makes it very easy to understand on a personal level." He also clearly points out how the Schedule of Creation can be tracked when one looks at past historical events and relates that information to what to expect in the near future leading up to 2012.
The Mayan Calendar Comes North 01
The Mayan Calendar Comes North 02
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